eMediplan CHMED20AF Implementation Guide:

This page is part of the eMediplan CHMED20AF FHIR IG (R4) (v2.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

1. MABTHERA Inf Konz 100 mg/10ml Prd-Nr. 1098021 Zeit Dosierung
08:00- 09:00 100 mg/h => 10 ml
09:00- 10:00 200 mg/h => 20 ml
10:00- 11:00 300 mg/h => 30 ml
11:00- 12:00 400 mg/h => 40 ml
1_Matbthera.json "DtFrom": "2017-09-05", "DtTo": "2017-09-05", "CyDu": 86400, "InRes": 0, "TT": [{ "Off": 28800, "Du": 3600, "DoFrom": 10.0 }, { "Off": 32400, "Du": 3600, "DoFrom": 20.0 }, { "Off": 36000, "Du": 3600, "DoFrom": 30.0 }, { "Off": 39600, "Du": 3600, "DoFrom": 40.0 } ] } ], "Unit": "ML", "TkgRsn": "Krebsleiden", "Roa": "IV", "Rep": 0, "Subs": 0, "NbPack": 1