eMediplan CHMED20AF Implementation Guide:

This page is part of the eMediplan CHMED20AF FHIR IG (R4) (v2.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

<MedicationStatement xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
  <id value="chmed20af-card-medicationstatement-tt-2-multiple-meronem"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 2. MERONEM i.v. Trockensub 1 g 				Prd-Nr. 43582
 Gabe von 2g 3x täglich (08:00-12:00-18:00), i.v. für 30 Minuten, jeden Dienstag während 3 Wochen.
 2 gr, 3 times daily, (08:00-12:00-18:00), iv, for 30 minutes every tuesday for three weeks 
 &quot;Pos&quot;: [{					&quot;DtFrom&quot;: &quot;2017-09-05&quot;,					&quot;DtTo&quot;: &quot;2017-09-26&quot;,					&quot;CyDu&quot;: 604800,					&quot;InRes&quot;: 0,					&quot;TT&quot;: [{							&quot;Off&quot;: 28800,							&quot;Du&quot;: 1800,							&quot;DoFrom&quot;: 2.0						}, {							&quot;Off&quot;: 43200,							&quot;Du&quot;: 1800,							&quot;DoFrom&quot;: 2.0						}, {							&quot;Off&quot;: 64800,							&quot;Du&quot;: 1800,							&quot;DoFrom&quot;: 2.0						}					]				}			],			&quot;Unit&quot;: &quot;STK&quot;,			&quot;TkgRsn&quot;: &quot;Infektion&quot;,			&quot;Roa&quot;: &quot;IV&quot;,			&quot;Rep&quot;: 0,			&quot;Subs&quot;: 0,			&quot;NbPack&quot;: 1 
      <id value="cont4"/>
          <system value="urn:oid:"/>
          <code value="7680531050328"/>
          <display value="MERONEM i.v. Trockensub 1 g"/>
        <text value="MERONEM i.v. Trockensub 1 g"/>
          <system value="urn:oid:"/>
          <code value="11212000"/>
          <display value="Powder for solution for infusion"/>
            <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/>
            <code value="387540000"/>
            <display value="Meropenem (substance)"/>
          <text value="Meropenem"/>
            <value value="1"/>
            <unit value="gram"/>
            <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org"/>
            <code value="g"/>
            <value value="1"/>
            <unit value="Vial (unit of presentation)"/>
            <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/>
            <code value="733026001"/>
    <system value="urn:ietf:rfc:3986"/>
    <value value="urn:uuid:9a55ba81-9a54-4cd5-867c-f7c353f1102c"/>
  <status value="completed"/>
    <reference value="#cont4"/>
    <reference value="Patient/chmed20af-card-patient-s01"/>
    <reference value="Practitioner/chmed20af-practitioner-s01"/>
    <text value="Infektion"/>
          value="Gabe von 2g 3x täglich (08:00-12:00-18:00), i.v. für 30 Minuten, jeden Dienstag während 3 Wochen"/>
          <start value="2017-09-05"/>
          <end value="2020-09-26"/>
        <duration value="1800"/>
        <durationUnit value="s"/>
        <frequency value="3"/>
        <period value="1"/>
        <periodUnit value="wk"/>
        <dayOfWeek value="tue"/>
        <timeOfDay value="08:00:00"/>
        <timeOfDay value="12:00:00"/>
        <timeOfDay value="18:00:00"/>
        <system value="urn:oid:"/>
        <code value="20045000"/>
        <display value="Intravenous use"/>
        <value value="2"/>
        <unit value="gram"/>
        <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org"/>
        <code value="g"/>