eMediplan CHMED20AF Implementation Guide:

This page is part of the eMediplan CHMED20AF FHIR IG (R4) (v2.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Marcumar-Therapie mit Clexane  MARCOUMAR Tabl 3 mg (Prd-Nr. 7157) Tag 1 (08:00) 1CLEXANE Inj Lös 40 mg/0.4ml (Prd-Nr. 16607)Tag 3 (08:00) 1Tag 4 und folgende (08:00) 1    "Clecane": [{            "Id": "16607",            "IdType": 4,            "Pos": [{                    "DtFrom": "2017-09-07",                    "CyDu": 86400,                    "InRes": 0,                    "TT": [{                            "Off": 28800,                            "DoFrom": 40.0                        }                    ]                }            ],            "Unit": "mg",            "TkgRsn": "Blutverdünnung",            "Roa": "IVINJ",            "Rep": 0,            "Subs": 0,            "NbPack": 1